Friends, it’s that time of the year when we seek annual dues to support activities through the year in our neighborhood. You should have received a mailer requesting your dues along with details on the activities we support. Kindly send in your dues by the March 5th deadline. Thank you much! Some of the highlights from last year include:
- A visit from the Kona Ice truck for Memorial Day.
- An Easter Egg hunt led by one of our neighbors.
- The Independence Day parade with another visit by Kona Ice.
- The Luminarias Display in December. As a side note, we believe that we are one of or the last Collierville neighborhoods that still presents this each December.
- The Yards of the Month. (There are actually two winners each month from May through December with the exception of November.)
- We oversaw the mowing, edging and trimming of the grass along Byhalia Road which runs from the house at 704 Dean’s Creek Drive through the one at 711 Autumn Winds Drive. This contract also includes the trimming of the trees and bushes as well as the cleaning of the beds and the application of mulch. A separate contract covers the application of grass chemicals seven times a year.
- In September, we contracted for the clearing of the approach to the bridge over Dean’s Creek leading to Crosswinds Elementary School. This entailed the trimming of the trees and bushes that flank the sidewalk. (It’s best to keep the snakes at bay.)
- The installation of a new pair of solar-powered floodlights which illuminate the “Crosswinds” signs at the southern entrance.
- Pressure washing of the bricks at the southern entrance.
- Repair of one of the Crosswinds signs.
- A welcome basket for each of our new neighbors.
- The printing of the Crosswinds Neighborhood Directory.
- The hosting of our Web site.