Celebrate the spirit of Christmas with the following activities in our neighborhood. New this year – visit with Santa and Caroling in the neighborhood. Join us and make it a festive Holiday season! Kindly sign up at: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0949AFAD2BA6F5C43-46186402-christmas#/
Author: crosswindsBoard
2023 Yard of the Month Winners Through September 2023
Our Neighborhood’s 2023 Yard of the Month winners through September 2023. These owners put a lot of time and effort in keeping their yards looking beautiful and we appreciate the effort. They do it not to win prizes but because they love all things gardening and landscaping. Thank you and congratulations to all winners! What…
Labor Day Parade Pictures
Labor Day Parade – Most Patriotic Winners
Congratulations Caleb! Congratulations Haley!
Labor Day Neighborhood Parade – Monday, September 4, 10AM
Hey everyone! Get ready for our neighborhood Labor Day parade on Monday, September 4 at 10AM. Due to weather concerns and scheduling bandwidth, we missed having our July 4th parade this year. We will more than make up for it with this one. With prizes, refreshments and a lot of neighborhood camaraderie. See you there!
2023 Annual Dues – March 15th 2023
Friends, it’s that time of the year when we seek annual dues to support activities through the year in our neighborhood. You should have received a mailer requesting your dues along with details on the activities we support. Kindly send in your dues by the March 5th deadline. Thank you much! Some of the highlights…
Winter 2022 Yard of the Month Contest
It’s here! – the 2022 Holiday Yard of the Month contest! Spruce up your yards with lights, garlands, wreaths, bells, inflatables – you know the drill – and win a prize!
Luminarias 2022
The spirit of Christmas is in the air. Join us on December 17th as we place over 1500 luminarias all around our neighborhood and make it look magical. We appreciate all the help we get in putting the luminarias together and placing them on our streets. If you have flatbed trucks that we can use…
Winners! – OCT2022 Yards of the Month
Congratulations to the winners of the Halloween Decor competition. And the winners are….. 1353 Creek Valley and 1273 Creek Valley
October 2022 Yard of the Month – Halloween Decor Competition
Crosswinds I and II is having a Halloween decorating contest the last two weeks of October. Two winners will get signs in their yards and Lowe’s gift cards.